Currently running research projects hosted by the Social Mind Center:
2024-2028 Austrian Science Fund (FWF): Linguistic Impact on Social Action Comprehension (Project LISA)
Past projects:
2022-2023 HORIZON ERC Proof of Concept Grants: Training Alone to Play Together App (TAPTAPP)
2015-2022 ERC Synergy Grant: Constructing social minds: Coordination, communication, and cultural transmission (SOMICS)
2016-2021 CEU Intellectual Themes Initiative: Beliefs fostering dishonest behavior: Combining ethnographic and experimental evidence (BFD)
2016-2021 ERC Starting Grant: The Sense of Commitment: An Integrative Framework for Modeling the Sense of Commitment (SENSE OF COMMITMENT)
2014-2020 ERC Consolidator Grant: Joint action expertise: behavioral, cognitive, and neural mechanisms for joint action learning (JAXPERTISE)